tHis Day.

 Just aNutHer Day. 

24 Little HoUrs.... 







OnLy if YoU Really Truly Want to Be, and sTay SoBer..... 

YoU Must Do tHe WorK,


Let's Begin. 

Are You Grateful that tHe Grace of God, and A. A. Has YoU SoBer???

If Yes, 

Prove it, and,

Live it.

I Am Responsible, when Anyone, anywhere reaches out for HeLp, I Want tHe Hand of A. A. to Be tHeRe; and for that, I Am 


Ya Heard....

YoUr Life Matters Right??? 

So don't drink, and go to Meetings...

And NEVER get involved in GOSSIP.....


If someone tries to gossip to YoU, it is YoUr Responsibility to not!!!!! 

People's Life's Matter.... 

Peace for YoU....

I Love YoU... 



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