tHis Day.

 So, Your not any of the People YoU watched Yesterday.

And Now its BacK to Reality....

Who are You.

And if YoU are oNe of those People;

wHo are YoU?

tHey are tHe people You Finance to Make YoU feel insignificant..

YoU made them elite,

wHiLe YoU are tHe Lite.

YoU can Survive without them:

tHey cant survive without YoU!!!!!!!

So tHis Day,

HoLd YoUr Head High,

Be in Confidence,

tHat YoU aRe GodLy,


Be it.

Here is YoUr Freedom,

Hear in tHe Kingdom

oNe Voice.

Or the other.

There is No INBeTWEEN....

LoVe oR feaR,

LoVe is ALL


Live Easy

Rest Easy,

Be Easy,

An Easier softer Way.


We aRe Waiting foR YoU.

I Love You.


tHis Week,

tHis month,

tHis Year,

YoUr EntiRe Existence,

oNe MoMent at A TiMe.

Be Connected.

Peace For YoU.


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