
Showing posts from September, 2024


 tHeND  We are Coming bacK, JacK!


 To All the Seasons, Turn, Turn, Turn. EnJoy.

We Begin.

 tHis Day. There is Absolutely no TiMe Better to start then now! YoU and YoUr inside first. In Quiet. Worry about NotHing; Converse about EVERYTHING. Peace foR YoU. I LoVe YoU.

tHis Day.

 WaKeUp Wednesday BeaUtiFuLL SeptemBer 04, 2024 What do YoU thinK?

tHis Day.  Yesterday I was thinking about Tomorrow, and ToDay got in the Way. So, just for ToDay, I'm gonna stay in tHis Day, And let Tomorrow take care of itself. Tomorrow Will Be a free Day, BecaUse there is Absolutely nothing I can do Tomorrow that I can't do ToDay. Actually. Factually.  Simple. I can complicate it; The majority of the TiMe; I Can fix it; If I Stay in ToDay! Peace foR YoU. I LoVe YoU.

Schools Open

 The party is over! Laboring Onward. No Matter What, A Foundation is MandAtoRy. A Day is A Day, and BEgins tHe Same Way. GratItUde and Service,  Everything BEgins AND enDs witH YoU.  Be of Good Kind. Peace and Joy Abound YoU. One Day AtA TiMe. It WoRKs if YoU WoRK it, and doesn't wHen YoU  don't.  tHis is tHe only Way oUt!!!  Eventually YoU come to Believe tHis. Peace foR YoU. I LoVe YoU.